
CITVN works with universities to illustrate, distribute and preserve Keynote academic lectures focused through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching.

Submission Guidelines

Lecture categories include:

  • Architecture

  • Arts & Letters

  • Business & Economics

  • Education

  • Environment & Sustainability

  • Global Affairs

  • Health Care Systems

  • Law & Society

  • Papal Documents

  • Peace & Justice

  • Religion & Ethics

  • Science & Engineering

Catholic Social Teaching Themes

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person

  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation

  • Rights and Responsibilities and Subsidiarity

  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

  • Solidarity

  • Care for God’s Creation

CITVN fully supports USCCB Social Media Policy and the teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. All academic lectures and social videos published on CITVN must carry the disclaimer:

This presentation represents the views of the Lecturer and does not represent the views of any institution. Lecturers and social video producers must clearly identify views that are contrary to the teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

We offer no editorial guidance … we are homeless men and women … not subject matter experts.

Process and Procedures

1. Schedule a Zoom Orientation session with me review Process and procedures and share your PowerPoint presentation, desktop and video. HD webcam and hardwired high speed broadband required (no WIFI). 18-minute lecture and 10-minute live Q&A.

2. Read CITVN Terms of Service

3. Write and submit a 120 word bio and 120 word presentation summary

4. Suggest 3 questions for forum discussion

5. Identify links to your web page and resources you think teachers and students will value

6. CITVN will construct an event registration page for your speaking event. and send an email invitation to our 546,000 subscribers.

7. CITVN will provide you with our Creative Commons license for sharing your content with the CITVN subscriber network. Please sign and return.

8. Show up in Zoom 30 minutes before your live event for equipment check.

9. CITVN will edit the live event with your Bio, Summary, Chapters, Footnotes, CC Translation, interactive Call-To-Action.

10. You can embed the Youtube presentation on your website and share on social media accounts and link in your newsletters and curricula vitae.

11. Ask your university to help us underwrite your interactive video production. Suggested donation: $360 - what it costs us to houses a homeless person in a sober house for a month.

Underwriters receive an interactive banner in perpetuity on all CITVN productions. CITVN documentaries are distributed for free to 46,651 Catholic thought leaders and over 195,000 Global Ethics Network professionals. CITVN newsletter has an 11% open rate with 14,520 video hours consumed each month. CITVN reaches almost every parish, university, K12 school, religious order and Catholic nonprofit organization in the nation.

100% of proceeds fund a Catholic Worker co-op owned and operated by homeless and disabled citizens in recovery from addictions.

Call us to discuss your project at 937-938-5784 or email